Sky View Through an Archway on Campus

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Brooke Wheeler

Associate Professor | College of Aeronautics

Director | Teaching Assistant Seminar

Contact Information
(321) 674-7628
George M. Skurla Hall, 210L

Personal Overview

Dr. Wheeler is the Director of the Teaching Assistant Seminar and an Associate Professor in the College of Aeronautics. Her current research covers broad areas of aviation sciences and environmental science, including aviation sustainability, electric aircraft, safety management systems, flight training, and how to grow plants on Mars.

Dr. Wheeler's dissertation focused on how scale of observation, disturbance, and soil nutrients influence plant species diversity. Her research included field study, statistical modeling, and analysis of data in the Carolina Vegetation Survey database. She spent two and a half years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Thompson Writing Program at Duke University, teaching and learning about using writing in STEM courses, and helping to run the Writing Studio. Her research interests include writing to learn in STEM courses, flipped classrooms, aviation environmental science, sustainability, environmental communication, and disturbance ecology.